You see when an individual shines through their energy, acts of kindness, and realism towards others. Khadijah is that individual. She is a DJ in Charlotte. I had the chance to sit and talk with her to see how she is doing, along with her businesses on a personal level during these times.
“Overall, I’ve been okay. I feel prior to COVID I had a period of being in the house and being still and taking a break from everything. I feel like that was the preparation, spiritually for me leading to this point.”
“DJing is all about group gatherings, most of my year was planned out, and naturally, things were just added on. I’m aware of what is going on with COVID and I understand it. The reason I started DJing is that I realize how important music is and how powerful it is to impact someone for those two to four hours. When you have good music and some good energy — that can change someone's whole vibe. I’m not making the income that I’m used too but it’s humbling. I have been producing music for podcasts and YouTube clients and just focusing time on my own music. I pray about it and I feel like God will make a way for what's meant for me. I do this to impact people more so than making the money.”
“I’ve never been somebody who just wants to do one thing, I love learning and I like to do what my spirit is saying to do that day. I love to learn and I love to continually grow because if I’m not, to me, I’m not living, I’m just existing.”
I’m grateful for Khadijah because she is willing to have an open and honest conversation. We talked a little about the social justice movements and how that has made an impact on her.
“I have always been very vocal about my emotions. I wear my heart on a sleeve — I try to be transparent as possible because it’s not about acting happy, that's not true happiest or true peace.”
“We all have things that have impacted us, it starts with asking questions. It is okay to question things. It gets to the root of someone's pain so they can operate at a higher place. All humans desire to feel love. Every day is not going to be perfect and it’s okay. But if we are a little kinder to ourselves we can help other people it will move us forward.”