Like most people, I’m sad — I’m sad that it is 2020 and there are still issues in this world surrounding immense racism and I’m sad that it has taken me this long to be vocal about it. At this point, there can be no more sadness. We need change. I have been to protests around the city and neighborhoods in Charlotte this week and the one thing I take away from it is community. If you haven’t been to one yet I highly recommend it. They are powerful. You get the emotional feeling of seeing the humanity that is out there, the love that is out there. People who are not judging others by the color of their skin but by the content of their hearts. In a sense, these protests and learning about how incredible George Floyd was and how the importance of his life has brought us together. As we navigate through the path of hardship and pain as a society, I ask - what are we going to do about it?
We are a country that is full of resilience. I know we come together in tough times but is it ever enough? It was not because we didn’t fully do our jobs to help support in any way possible. By support, I mean each other, everyone, love. We are now seeing things we saw in history books and are we now are seeing and rewriting them for future generations.
The amount of times I’ve heard the phrase “new normal” makes me want to scream but you know what? Here we are, the new normal and we need to grow and fix these issues. Learn, understand, be there for one another and figure out a way to move forward, together.
NAACP Protest — Charlotte, NC
NAACP Protest — Charlotte, NC
NAACP Protest — Charlotte, NC
Justice For Floyd Justice Walk — Freedom Park — Charlotte, NC